Customer Testimonials

Here’s what some of them had to say about us:

Yash Anavadiya
Dineshchandra & Hansa
They found concept explanation, details in the report, remedies suggested, brainbow experience excellent and consultation good.
Ruhani Dalal
Hetal & Paulomi
“ We are very happy to come here, almost all our questions were answered here. Now it will be very easy for us to make decisions for our daughter’s carrier. Everything was explained nicely to us and even our daughter is clear about what should be done next.”
Prash Shah
Parents/Spouse : Dhruma & Dipen Shah
Feedback :
They found concept explanation, details in the report, consultation, remedies suggested, brainbow experience excellent .
Overall experience :
Thank you for showing insight of my child. We will certainly start working on remedies given by you and we will again share the outcomes. Thank you once again.
Amey Dharap
Parents/Spouse : Anjali Dharap
Feedback :
They found concept explanation, details in the report, consultation, remedies suggested, brainbow experience excellent.
Overall experience :
The report was explained thoroughly and great examples were used to explain the concepts. The suggestions were also well thought out and personal.

Ruchi Desai
Parents/Spouse : Meet Desai
Feedback :
They found concept explanation, details in the report, consultation, remedies suggested, brainbow experience excellent.

Overall experience :

Nishant Jani
Parents/Spouse : Kaushal & Nital
“Feedback :
They found concept explanation, details in the report, remedies suggested, excellent, consultation, brainbow experience good.

Overall experience :
The experience was very good and recommendations towards child in which your skills are was excellent.”
Rahil Mohammed Aslam
Parents/Spouse : Mohammed Aslam & Asmanbanu
“Feedback : They found concept explanation, details in the report, consultation, remedies suggested, brainbow experience excellent.

Overall experience :

Patralekha K Chavda
“Feedback : They found consultation, remedies suggested excellent, concept explanation, details in the report, brainbow experience good.

Overall experience :
Allover good.”
Yashita Rakshit
Parents/Spouse : Ranjan & Papiya
“Feedback : They found concept explanation, brainbow experience excellent, details in the report, consultation, remedies suggested, good.
Overall experience :
The concept and the intelligence developed has surly opened up on thinking, approach towards my daughter. Hope to use the inputs four a better future of my daughter.”
Dhruv Rai
Rahul & Radhika Rai

Knowing one’s child in this perspective has been a wonderful experience. The suggestions need to be implemented to make the best of this. Wonderful work done by AMI. 

Arvind Shah
Mafatlal & Sharda
“ I don’t believe the type of science but anyhow this matter is 90% right. Thanks “
Akruti Desai
Parents/Spouse : Samip Desai
Feedback : They found concept explanation, details in the report, consultation, remedies suggested, brainbow experience excellent.

Overall experience :
Very Nice.

Virika Gupta
Parents/Spouse : Shilpa & Sachin Gupta
“Feedback :
They found concept explanation, details in the report, consultation, remedies suggested, brainbow experience excellent.

Overall experience :
We learn how to handle the child during teenage.”

Mahi Akhani
Parents/Spouse : Bhavesh & Hiral
“Feedback :
They found concept explanation, details in the report, consultation, remedies suggested, brainbow experience excellent.

Overall experience :
It was good. I liked it. I had good experience and learned good things.”
Twesha Patel
Parents/Spouse : Mitesh & Khushbu
“Feedback : They found concept explanation, consultation, remedies suggested, brainbow experience excellent, details in the report good.

Overall experience :
Good Guidance.”

Pavitra Patel
Parents/Spouse : Mitesh & Khushbu
Feedback :
They found concept explanation, consultation, remedies suggested excellent, brainbow experience, details in the report, good.
Overall experience :
Good Guidance.
Mitesh Patel
Parents/Spouse : Kaushikbhai & Nirmalaben
Feedback :
They found details in the report, remedies suggested, brainbow experience excellent concept explanation, consultation, good.
Overall experience :
Get good Guidance.
Dr. Kishorsingh Chavda
Parents/Spouse : Natversinghji & Pushpaji
Feedback :
They found concept explanation, details in the report, consultation, remedies suggested, brainbow experience excellent.
Overall experience :
We understand my all activity and problems very well after counseling. My future will be sure change and my future activity without stress due to counseling.
Dr. Jinal Patel
Parents/Spouse : Kishorsingh & Patralekhaji
Feedback : They found concept explanation, details in the report, consultation, remedies suggested, brainbow experience excellent.
Overall experience :
Brainbow is best in DNE. Aloke sir clear all my dough profession to choose through my innate power. Scanning which will really help me to choose option and work better.